Unknown Chess Pro Broke Every Record

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%1$ Comments260

    2:08 The best checkers player in the world is undoubtedly Marion TInsley. He played thousands of games at the championship level and only lost seven. That's seven, not seven thousand. As in a 99%+ winning percentage. (I believe the best chess masters bat around .500.) He was the World Champion every year he participated.

    We need more videos of old money chess grandmasters🔥

    Thanks for the story, Levy. The games are beautiful =)

    Why ur Russian is so good? Cuz u says Russian names like u born in Russia

    Happy there;s a chess legend from Kazakhstan lands

    This was amazing. My jaw dropped at that last game. And yes, please make the video about Victor also.

    16:47 – "One of the best days of my life was when I lost to Nezhmetdinov."

    There's an idea for an interview question – when you're interviewing the top players. "What is the best game that you lost?"

    Gotta say I am really enjoying the historical recaps!!!❤

    Back when GMs wouldn’t memorize 25 moves of engine lines, definitely more interesting than what chess is now

    Nezhmetdinov's attacking style reminds me of Morphy's, but even more brutal and less respectful of the value of any piece, relative to the positional advantage. It's like he enjoyed baiting his opponent into attacking his pieces, always to their detriment. He was laying traps.

    cant believe its already been 3.5 yrs . was watching sub battles on your channel yesterday. twitch v youtube rematch maybe?

    easily one of my favorite one of your videos, Gotham. This is the kind of series that deserves the Queens Gambit treatment.

    While everyone was playing chess, Rashid played checkers on the board

    Make one on Vishy Anand please? For the indian fans

    I think you should make a series called "Uncrowned Greatness" dedicated to great players throughout the years who've never won a championship

    Man.Kazakhstan is not “region of so-called “russia”.Please, dude.

    As someone who seriously digs chess, I gotta say, the way you've highlighted Rashid's story is totally epic. These tales about the lesser-known but totally rad figures in chess make the game that much cooler.

    Your enthusiasm is just heartwarming and you are able to make the Game Of Chess nothing less than adorable. Thanks Levy, you are an incredible Person!

    I remember seeing the first game somewhere. Crazy stuff

    Fianchetto…. Well done. I've heard say it before but now you've got it. Your Scheveningen made my toes curl however. With the Wijk aan Zee tournament coming up you could tackle that one next!

    Absolutely are masterpiece's. Very beautiful and positional reasonable attacks with brilliant tactics. If only this man lives in 21 century… Thanks.

    Oh my god, no “levy never fails in first 30 comments” maybe infants are back to school.

    i think we can all agree we want more chess videos like this. educational about the history of chess while making it entertaining and fun

    levy never fails to call someone's dad a gangster

    what an insane story that he survived world war 2 and then became competitive in chess. i mean that's super impressive. hats off to this man.

    Bro REALLY thinks this chess player is unknown??? Where the hell has Gotham been? Cringe

    This is my new favorite video of yours. That was absolutely incredible. Thank you for sharing.

    It’s so obviously different when you make a video about something/someone that you are passionate about, and I’m all here for them.

    This is a fun new type of video! I like your style Gotham!

    did he just end the video with "get out of here" lmaooo

    YAAAS! Keep up the historical coverage! Especially with your commentary it is BETTER than any boxing/MMA fight!

    Great job Levy! Show us some games of Sultan Khan as well.

    Comment for the algorithm so that Levy makes more history videos.

    As much as I like to watch dubious chess by my rookie ELO counterparts, these historic videos are divine. I know how much you like baseball: every pitcher needs a good change-up in the rotation.

    You should make a video that debates if Korchnoi or Keres was the best player to never be champion.

    Great video man. Hell, I'm terrified of the guy and he's not even alive 😀

    20:44 rf4 is the better sacrifice, and it's THE ROOOOOOOOK. How did you miss that.

    thank you for covering these kind of legends and plz make a video about Viktor Korchnoi

    Thanks, great games and great chess master uncovered.

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